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Re: Making install CDs contain the full sets

martin@ wrote:

> I think this is acceptable, and it saves quite some maintenance overhead,
> simplifies the makefiles and makes the CDs more generally usefull.
> Comments? Review?

If iso-image uses the same method as live-image and
install-image, probably we need the similar warnings for these ports?
(I'm not sure how we can put port-specific warnings though)

        # live-image and install-image targets require binary sets
        # (actually DESTDIR/etc/mtree/set.* files) built with MKUNPRIVED.
        # If release operation is specified with live-image or install-image,
        # the release op should be performed with -U for later image ops.
        if ${do_release} && ( ${do_live_image} || ${do_install_image} ) && \
            [ "${MKUNPRIVED}" = "no" ] ; then
                bomb "-U must be specified on building release to create images 

                        # install-image and live-image require mtree spec files
                        # built with UNPRIVED.  Assume UNPRIVED build has been
                        # performed if METALOG file is created in DESTDIR.
                        if [ ! -e "${DESTDIR}/METALOG" ] ; then
                                bomb "The release binaries must have been built 
with -U to create images."
Izumi Tsutsui

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