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Re: sshramdisk general information

Tim Rightnour <root <at>> writes:
> Curious. Is there a way we can somehow make dhcpd know that we are sysinst,
> so a user can put a hint in dhcpd.conf that says "any sysinst gets this IP"?

A known-ahead DHCP ID and a reservation for that string I guess could do it. 

If this was a consumer device with no UI you'd probably be using WIFI-Direct
or having it transmit an adhoc SETUP witi network. 

If we can take it for granted they can get onto the same network - somehow - or
onto separate Internet-connected networks -  I think mDNS (at least, based on
my experience with Apple's  bonjour/zeroconf implementation) would be a more
practical way for normal people to easily find the device.

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