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Re: HTTPS trust anchors in sysinst

(Please keep me cc'd -- otherwise I may miss your replies.)

> Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2023 09:21:49 -0400
> From: Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost>
> > [*] We should _also_ bake a public signature verification key into
> >     the installers that can verify a signature on the sets which can
> >     in turn be made only by TNF -- not by any of the public HTTPS
> >     CAs.  But that's a separate issue that requires more key
> >     management and software verifier setup than we have settled now.
> Once you have that, it seems to me that the use of SSL on either HTTP
> or FTP becomes pointless CPU cycle wasting.  This then leads me to
> wonder two things: (1) is doing SSL a case of the good being the enemy
> of the best (because people will fall into the trap of thinking that
> SSL means "it's secure" without asking "...against what?"[%])? and (2)
> is all this kerfuffle about CA trust anchors effort that would better
> be put into designing and building the right answer?

Enabling HTTPS validation is low-hanging fruit for modern systems in a
modern world to defend against a large class of plausible threats --
namely, MITM on the network between you and

The [*] part _also_ defends against a compromised CDN, or against MITM
on the network _combined with_ a compromised root CA.  But the [*]
part takes even more care to make sure we seriously consider other
classes of threats, and don't ship a system that will silently get
permanently wedged on automatic updates.

I am planning to the [*] part but it is not going to be ready for
netbsd-10, whereas HTTPS validation will be -- in base, at least.  So
I'm probing to see how much engineering effort will be needed to make
HTTPS validation happen in the installer too.  See also:

   Or maybe we can decide this isn't worthwhile, and the effort is better
   spent on a lighter-weight signing system for NetBSD distributions...

> Also, if you're doing public-key crypto - for anything - in the
> installers, this will drastically, I am tempted to say
> catastrophically, slow down installation on low-end machines, like a
> MicroVAX-II or Sun-3.  (Of course, NetBSD might be fine with that.  I
> just think it should be at least thought about.)

Can you please do the following tests on any low-end machines of

1. Run `openssl speed' and share the output.  Running it will take
   several minutes but the time is largely independent of the speed of
   the CPU; it measures how many operations it can do in a fixed time.

2. Build the attached rwverify.c with

	make rwverify DBG=-g\ -O2 LDLIBS=-lcrypto

   Then run it and share the output.

   You can also cross-build it on a more capable machine if you have a
   NetBSD ` release' cross-build handy already, of course:

	make rwverify CC=$TOOLDIR/bin/vax--netbsdelf-gcc \
		DBG=-g\ -O2\ --sysroot=$OBJDIR/destdir.vax \

   Running it will take approximately ten seconds.

3. Download


   if you insist on avoiding https), build it with make, run
   `./speed', and share the output.

   To build for VAX, you'll need to make sure that -DFALCON_FPEMU=1
   -DFALCON_FPNATIVE=0 is set in CFLAGS.  So to cross-build for VAX,
   you'll need to do this:

	make CC=$TOOLDIR/bin/vax--netbsdelf-gcc \
		CFLAGS=-g\ -O2\ --sysroot=$OBJDIR/destdir.vax\ -DFALCON_FPEMU=1\ -DFALCON_FPNATIVE=0 \
		LD=$TOOLDIR/bin/vax--netbsdelf-gcc \
#include <assert.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>

static void
oerr(int status, const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list va;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", getprogname());

	va_start(va, fmt);
	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va);

	fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));


 * openssl prime -generate -hex -bits 1024 | fold -w 64 | sed -e 's,^,    ",' -e 's,$,",'
 * repeat until:
 * - lsbyte of p is 3
 * - lsbyte of q is 7
 * - p*q > 2^2047
static const char p_hex[] =
static const char q_hex[] =

 * n = p*q
static const char n_hex[] =

 * openssl rand -hex 32
static const char z_hex[] =

 * r = KangarooTwelve(z ||
 *         'The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage')[0:4),
static const int r = 0x3;

 * h = KangarooTwelve('\0'*32 ||
 *         'The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage')[0:2047),
 * (note: 2047-bit integer, not 2048-bit integer)
static const char h_hex[] =

 * Standard signature components -- tweaked square root of h modulo n.
static const int e = 1;	/* 1 or -1 */
static const int f = 1;	/* 1 or 2 */
static const char s_hex[] =

 * Multiplier for reduction-free verification.
static const char t_hex[] =

static sig_atomic_t alarmed = 0;

static void
sigalrm(int signo)
	alarmed = 1;

main(int argc, char **argv)
	BIGNUM *n, *h, *s, *t;
	int n_len, h_len, s_len, t_len;
	int n_off, h_off, s_off, t_off;
	unsigned char *n_bin, *h_bin, *s_bin, *t_bin;
	unsigned timelimit_sec = 10;
	unsigned i = 0;
	struct timespec t0, t1, dt;


	/* Parse the hex representations once -- slow, unrealistic. */
	n = NULL;
	if (BN_hex2bn(&n, n_hex) == 0)
		oerr(1, "BN_hex2bn n");
	h = NULL;
	if (BN_hex2bn(&h, h_hex) == 0)
		oerr(1, "BN_hex2bn h");
	s = NULL;
	if (BN_hex2bn(&s, s_hex) == 0)
		oerr(1, "BN_hex2bn s");
	t = NULL;
	if (BN_hex2bn(&t, t_hex) == 0)
		oerr(1, "BN_hex2bn t");

	/* Convert to binary representations -- realistic. */
	n_len = 256;
	assert(n_len >= BN_num_bytes(n));
	n_off = n_len - BN_num_bytes(n);
	if ((n_bin = calloc(1, n_len)) == NULL)
		err(1, "malloc n_bin");

	h_len = 256;
	assert(h_len >= BN_num_bytes(h));
	h_off = h_len - BN_num_bytes(h);
	if ((h_bin = calloc(1, h_len)) == NULL)
		err(1, "malloc h_bin");

	s_len = 256;
	assert(s_len >= BN_num_bytes(s));
	s_off = s_len - BN_num_bytes(s);
	if ((s_bin = calloc(1, s_len)) == NULL)
		err(1, "malloc s_bin");

	t_len = 256;
	assert(t_len >= BN_num_bytes(t));
	t_off = t_len - BN_num_bytes(t);
	if ((t_bin = calloc(1, t_len)) == NULL)
		err(1, "malloc t_bin");

	if (BN_bn2binpad(n, n_bin + n_off, n_len - n_off) == -1)
		oerr(1, "BN_bn2binpad n");
	if (BN_bn2binpad(h, h_bin + h_off, h_len - h_off) == -1)
		oerr(1, "BN_bn2binpad h");
	if (BN_bn2binpad(s, s_bin + s_off, s_len - s_off) == -1)
		oerr(1, "BN_bn2binpad s");
	if (BN_bn2binpad(t, t_bin + t_off, t_len - t_off) == -1)
		oerr(1, "BN_bn2binpad t");

	t = NULL;
	s = NULL;
	h = NULL;
	n = NULL;

	/* Start a timer going. */
	if (signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm) == SIG_ERR)
		err(1, "signal");
	if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t0) == -1)
		err(1, "clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)");

	for (i = 0; !alarmed; i++) {
		BN_CTX *ctx;
		BIGNUM *f_bn, *s2, *fs2, *nt, *fs2_nt;

		/* Allocate a bignum context. */
		if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_new");

		/* Push an intermediate bignum frame. */

		if ((n = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get n");
		if ((h = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get h");
		if ((s = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get s");
		if ((t = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get t");
		if ((f_bn = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get f");
		if ((s2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get s2");
		if ((fs2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get fs2");
		if ((nt = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get nt");
		if ((fs2_nt = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_CTX_get fs2_nt");

		/* Parse the signature. */
		if (BN_bin2bn(n_bin, n_len, n) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_bin2bn n");
		if (BN_bin2bn(h_bin, h_len, h) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_bin2bn h");
		if (BN_bin2bn(s_bin, s_len, s) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_bin2bn s");
		if (BN_bin2bn(t_bin, t_len, t) == NULL)
			oerr(1, "BN_bin2bn t");
		if (!BN_set_word(f_bn, f))
			oerr(1, "BN_set_word f");

		/* Verify the signature. */
		if (!BN_sqr(s2, s, ctx))
			oerr(1, "BN_sqr s");
		if (!BN_mul(fs2, f_bn, s2, ctx))
			oerr(1, "BN_mul f, s2");
		if (!BN_mul(nt, n, t, ctx))
			oerr(1, "BN_mul n, t");
		switch (e) {
		case 1:
			if (!BN_sub(fs2_nt, fs2, nt))
				oerr(1, "BN_sub fs2, nt");
			if (BN_cmp(h, fs2_nt) != 0)
				errx(42, "verification failure");
		case -1:
			if (!BN_sub(fs2_nt, nt, fs2))
				oerr(1, "BN_sub nt, fs2");
			if (BN_cmp(h, fs2_nt) != 0)
				errx(42, "verification failure");
			err(1, "bad e: %d", e);

		/* Free intermediate bignums. */

		/* Free the bignum context. */
	if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t1) == -1)
		err(1, "clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)");
	timespecsub(&t1, &t0, &dt);

	/* Print results of the timer. */
	printf("%d verifications in %f sec\n", i,
	    dt.tv_sec + 1e-9*dt.tv_nsec);
	printf("%f v/s\n", i/(dt.tv_sec + 1e-9*dt.tv_nsec));

	return ferror(stdout);

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