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Re: Installer Feature Request: Add an option to manually disable IPv6 by calling dhcpcp -4

On 1/6/25 12:12 PM, Martin Husemann wrote:
On Sun, Jan 05, 2025 at 09:41:36PM +0100, Thomas Dettbarn wrote:
The easiest Hotfix I could think of would be disabling IPv6 inside the
IF THE USER WANTS IT. I have not have a look at the source of the installer,

I would prefer an automatic runtime solution instead of a manual fix
though, which could be something super usefull (for other situations as
well) like ftp(1) implementing happy-eyeballs
Well... I had a very specific problem and proposed a very specific
solution for it. I doubt that you will ever be able to create the PERFECT
installer, one that is truly smarter than the human. And I also doubt
that this is what your target audience prefers.

If we would fix it at the installer level the installed VM later will have
the exact same problem, so we need to persist the fix in the generated
Here is the thing:
The installed system was not perfect as well. But root has at least a chance
to change it. The installer is a monolithic block, where the user cannot
alter the IPv4/IPv6 settings easily.

We COULD start an awesome use-case discussion by now: Me thinking of a
scenario where you set up a NetBSD system somewhere in a big company
or university, with a hard-to-reach IT-department....

But I'd rather not, I would simply reiterate my point: Giving users the
option of an IPv4-only installation (as a last resort) is preferable to the
status quo.


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