I am trying to boot installed NetBSD 10.1 on older HP machine HP Compaq
Elite 8300. System disk is GPT and contains Window Server OS and above
fresh NetBSD installation.
I am using rEFInd for dual-boot.
Problem is that after selecting NetBSD boot entry there does not appear
text-mode icon with:
...NetBSD/x86 EFI Boot (x64)...
There only appears some address ranges quickly scrolling up and then it
when I boot from USB key and use manual boot parameters to boot OS from
boot NAME=NetBSD:netbsd then OS on the disk successfully starts up.
I tried to rewrite bootx64.efi on EFI partition with /usr/mdec/bootx64.efi
or with bootx64.efi present on USB key, it does not help.
I don't know to explain myself this behavior.
Dmesg is in attachment. My NetBSD installation is on wd0 dk4.
Any ideas ?