Subject: Re: Loopback filesystem
To: Leslie Todd Masco <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/30/1995 13:53:53
>Are there any plans for a loopback filesystem?  I, for one, would
>find it useful enough that I'd look at donig it if nobody else is.

``man mount_null''

  Michael L. VanLoon                       
       --<  Free your mind and your machine -- NetBSD free un*x  >--
     NetBSD working ports: 386+PC, Mac, Amiga, HP300, Sun3, Sun4, PC532,
                           DEC pmax (MIPS R2k/3k), DEC/AXP (Alpha)
     NetBSD ports in progress: VAX and others...