Subject: Re: Nee help configuring new device driver into conf.c for NetBSD 1.0
To: Brian Buhrow <>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/10/1996 11:43:51
>speech synthesizer for NetBSD/FreeBSD. I'm rcurrently working on a NetBSD
>1.0 i386 box, in the interests of time, and it was what was conveniently
>available to me, and I'm having a little trouble in the conf.c file. I've
>configured the device driver as a character special device, and am using
>dev_tty_init to make conf.c aware of the device driver's existence. I have
>a line of the form:
> cdev_tty_init(NDT,dt), /*43: Dectalk PC synthesizer*/
>in the conf.c file, and I have included
>#include "dt.h"
You forgot something along the lines of:
Before the devsw[] array. This is why you're getting undefined functions;
they aren't prototyped.
>What files do I need to change when I want to incorporate a new device
>driver into the kernel? Are there any particular sources of documentation
>on how to do this? Grepping through the entire source tree for instances
>of comopen(), the model I've been using, yielded nothing obvious about what
>was different about that driver that made it work.
Unfortunately, it's not very well documented. You've got nearly all of it,
though - once you get those functions prototyped, things should compile.
> Any suggestions, helpful tips, etc. would be extremely useful.
One tip - comopen() may not be the best model. Since the com driver hooks
into the tty subsystem, it will do things that you would likely not be
interested in doing (ie - you probably aren't going to need a tty discipline
on a speech synthesizer). You might want to try looking at the source for
the lpt driver, as it's much simpler.
Feel free to bug me privately if you have more questions.