Subject: Re: Dial-in and Dial-out tty's
To: None <,,>
From: Noriyuki Soda <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/11/1996 22:13:54
> I think it might be a good idea to write a generic call-in, call-out layer
> (maybe merge it into the tty system?) so that every serial port device
> could have this feature with little or no modifications. Admittedly, it
> would be a lot harder than just modifying the zs driver, but it would be
> a lot cooler :-)
My friends made such routines. I've heard it works under NetBSD/sparc,
NetBSD/sun3, NetBSD/i386. But they don't subscribe tech-kern mailing-list.
Koji, how about status of the driver ?
-- Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan
(Noriyuki Soda) software tools and technology group