Subject: Re: multiprocessing - brainstorming?
To: None <tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Baeurle <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/31/1996 22:19:22
In message <Pine.NXT.3.93.961028112551.629B-100000@osbeta>
Sean Witham <> wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, Christian Kuhtz wrote:
> > I was wondering if there's any interest in maybe spawning a
> > seperate group to deal with the ideas, feelings, ramblings, vague
> > thoughts etc of adding multiprocessing capabilities to NetBSD.
> I believe the arm port has already done some work on this.
There is a syscall which will load code to a slave processor and run it.
When Mark Brinicombe started this work, there were problems with the prototype
of the Hydra card he was using.
These problems are fixed now AFAIK, but I doubt Mark has had the time to do
more work on multiprocessing recently.
The RiscBSD FAQ claims that the Sparc 20 port is also working on
The Hydra card is plugged into the slot for the processor card which the Acorn
RiscPC uses as standard and which in turn allows up to six cards to be plugged
into the Hydra. I'm not sure if the card is available now.
Markus Baeurle (user of NetBSD/arm32)