Subject: Re: 32 bit dev_t, Revision 2
To: Todd Vierling <tv@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/11/1998 19:37:44
Todd Vierling writes:
> On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> : to dividing it that way. Any arbitrary split will be fine, and
> : allocating the first 2k to dynamic devices when no real machine has
> : more than 20 or 30 devices at most is not reasonable.
> Perhaps:
> 2048 MI statically allocated (and X number of LKM dynamic, for now),
> 1024 MD statically allocated,
> 1024 future expansion (not defined yet).
> The split makes checking for them easier (via bit-tests).
I don't like this, because it forces a devswitch table of over 2000
entries even though we really don't need one. We can allocate these
things better than that, in small ranges.
Anyway, 99% of the design doesn't involve this part. Why not put this
off until we've had a chance to tally all the ports devices and see
how many slots we need right now for what?