Subject: Re: Real vfork() (was: third results)
To: None <tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/11/1998 08:54:07
On Fri, 10 Apr 1998 14:22:01 -0400 (EDT) Greg A. Woods wrote:
> I was actually trying to find the quote where NetBSD/core have said that
> NetBSD is intended to be more of a research OS than a production OS too.
Well, the mission statement for NetBSD mentions:
The goals of the NetBSD project are:
* to provide a research platform on which experiments
with new software technology can be easily performed.
* to provide a stable, reliable operating system for
production use, adhering to major official and de
facto industry standards, while maintaining its
disposition as a traditional BSD system.
[[[ others deleted ]]]
in that order. Sorta says both :)