Subject: Re: FreeBSD Bus DMA
To: None <>
From: John S. Dyson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/11/1998 18:03:19
Perry E. Metzger said:
> David Edelsohn writes:
> > Perry's reaction was inappropriate;
> Indeed, a bunch of my language WAS inappropriate and I want to
> apologize for it. I few *way* off the handle, and neither Mr. Dyson
> nor Mr. Gibbs deserved to be attacked personally.
I agree that you flew off the handle, but also, I apologize for
my a**hole mode also. Rudeness elicits an almost in-kind response
from me.
> HOWEVER, my point still stands. I believe claims of improved
> performance when I see reproduceable benchmarks. I believe claims of
> portability when I see a port. I *know* that NetBSD's code ports well,
> because we spent years beating on it until it would. FreeBSD hasn't
> finished one port from its original architecture. I would like to see
> justification for claims of performance and portability -- not
> theoreticals.
Does that mean that the FreeBSD development should move forward,
and then when we have reproduceable benchmarks on FreeBSD, then
you can choose to adopt our code, or leave it be?
John | Never try to teach a pig to sing, | it just makes you look stupid, | and it irritates the pig.