Subject: Re: PnP weirdness
To: None <tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/29/1998 13:10:00
In article <> (Lennart Augustsson) writes:
>Are there are PnP wizards out there?  I've got a problem.

No, but I'll be an apprentice.

[stuff deleted]

>I don't know, but I suspect that it has to do with BIOS configuring
>the card before NetBSD does.  Furthermore the CS4236B emulates
>both SB and WSS and access to either port range makes it flip
>emulation mode.
>So, is this a buggy PnP chip (CS4237 has the same problem)?
>Buggy PnP code in NetBSD?  Or what?  Any suggestion on
>how to fix this problem are welcome.  (No, I don't want
>random inb() sprinkled in my code. :-)

You are right, somehow the bios sets up the card properly. isapnp_find
resets the card to the power-up situation, and things stop working. 
There is something fishy with the card about retaining state after it's
being reset.
might be a magic thing to do to the card to configure it to work properly
after isapnp_find() is called. Do you know what the bios does to initialize
the card?

Have you tried resetting the card after it is probed, and then doing the inb()
in the attach routine?
