To: tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG <>
From: Dante Profeta <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/23/1998 17:54:10
Hi folks,

I'm adding support for AdvanSys SCSI Wide boards and I've just
encountered a strange problem apparently due to the

My development platform is an i386 running CVS sources.

Well, when the board receive the SCSI_SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE command it
answer with an error (w/o SENSE condition) and die.

I could see my current AdvanSys Narrow driver answer with an error too,
but differently from the Wide board it still works.

Because I didn't remember such a problem when I implemented the Narrow
driver, I build up an old kernel from 24Jul sources, and I could state
the SCSI_SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE command is never issued.

Thus, before I'll spend the rest of my nights trying figuring out where
the problem lies within my driver, I'd like to know if other boards
currently accept this command and what they answer.

...but the fact that my two drivers reported an error (they have a very
very very different implementations ... and actually are two different
drivers) makes me suspicious.
