Subject: Re: Proposal: CL* macros removal.
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/21/1999 14:39:55
> My only concern is porting drivers from other OSs.  If we end up
> needing to put in
> #ifndef CLSIZE
> #define CLSIZE 1
> #endif
> for this, I'd rather leave it in there, but define and mark it for
> compatibility with drivers only.
Well, there is actually no reason not to keep the CL* macros in sys/param.h
defined as

#define CLSIZE 1

for compatibility reasons. Even if I doubt that there is almost anything
out there that have used the CL* macros for something useful the last 
10 years :-)

-- Ragge