Subject: Re: Cardbus
To: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>
From: Hans Insulander <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/22/1999 18:38:50
Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> writes:
> > Does anyone know if there's a good coding style guideline somewhere?
> > Not specifically to NetBSD or kernelcode, just in general.
> Try _The Practice of Programming_, a book by Kernighan and Pike.
> Addison-Wesley, February 1999, ISBN 0-201-61586-X.
Ok, thanks.
> If you're just talking about syntactic style (indentation, braces,
> whitespace), then there's not really such thing as a "good" coding
> style versus a "bad" one, although lots of people have strong
> preferences and can come up with (usually not very convincing) reasons
> why they're better than other conventions. The NetBSD KNF document is
> as good a choice as any; it's not specific to NetBSD or the kernel.
> It's in /usr/share/misc/style on NetBSD machines.
No, thats not what i was thinking of, i've already "developed" my own
style/religion during the years... But i'll have a look anyway at
the document you're refering to, thanks!
--- Hans Insulander <>, SM0UTY -----------------------
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