Subject: Re: Dumping autoconf info from DDB
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/08/2000 18:58:59
>> (It turns out that, even if everyone *has* source, a lot of people do
>> not want to compile a new kernel -- they would rather stuff a set of
>> commands into boot.default.)
>This just isn't something I can understand; how can anyone be happy
>without the known ability to regenerate the binaries in use? *boggle*
I think you're confusing "wanting the ability to regenerate the binaries
in use" with "the desire to regenerate the binaries in use".
I have the former, not the latter :-) I'd be happy not to have to compile
a kernel most of the time.