Subject: Re: initio 9100 UW
To: None <>
From: Thomas Graichen <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/19/2000 22:33:52
Alex Withers <> wrote:
> I poked around the archives and it seems this was discussed shortly. I've
> got an initio 9100 UW and was wondering if anyone had any luck with this
> on netbsd. I would really like to run netbsd on my main machine but
> everything I've got uses this card. :)
there's a driver from initio themself now completely under BSD
copyright which (at least the i91u part) might be a good start
for you (it's a FreeBSD driver - but it contains also non-cam-
ified things inside) ... but don't expect any wonders from
this driver :-)
simply look at their site - if you can't find it just ask me
again - so i'll look again
innominate AG
networking people
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