Subject: RE: new sysctl(KERN_PROC, ...) interface (was: sysinfo(2))
To: 'Eduardo Horvath' <>
From: Andy Sporner <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/17/2000 15:18:45
> > I thought the original motivation (and has been my main
> motivation) was fixing ps's "proc size mismatch" errors,
I have been stung by this many times because of the
changes I am making in the kernel for clustering. I notice
however it tries to fall back to using /proc when the
mismatch occurs.
I was writting to another colleague who is writting part
of the cross-host PID stuff that it would be a good idea
to have a call that allows one to walk the process table.
Dynix/PTX is heavily influenced by BSD and they have such
an extension.
It is a nice abstraction to have for the clustering project
because at some point we will have a single view of all
processes system-wide and such a call would make the implementation
very easy.
Is this change going to be part of the standard release in
the future???
Andy Sporner