Subject: Where are "xf" and "xb" in ddb?
To: None <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/15/2000 15:30:38
While attempting to walk a linked list in ddb,

    db> x *alldevs+14
    0xc06e6fd4:     mainbus0
    db> x/s *(.-10)+14
    0xc06d8e94:     pnpbios0
    db> x/s *(.-10)+14
    0xc06dac14:     com0

I think I wanted to use "xf" and "xb":

     xf     Examine forward.  xf re-executes the most recent execute command
            with the same parameters except that address is set to next.

     xb     Examine backward.  xb re-executes the most recent execute command
            with the same parameters, except that address is set to the last
            start address minus its size.

These commands not seem to exist (!!). Any explanation?



p.s.: Having gotten ticked off at "p" not being print
for the n-bazillionth time, I shall add an alias for it