Subject: Coda in -current ...
To: None <>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/09/2000 10:42:21
Hi. As 1.5 approached, I decided I needed to verify that the
coda kernel module was still working in -current.
So I built:
NetBSD puffin 1.4Z NetBSD 1.4Z (PUFFIN) #1: Wed May 31 15:07:06 PDT 2000
... i386.
And when I got coda-current compiled and installed, I ran a coda client.
The result was some vnode problems:
a) quickly I got a panic with
vref used where vget required
backtrace included
vref(...) at vref+0x19
namei(...) at namei+0x157
sys___stat13(...) at sys___stat
b) later I got a panic with
vrele: ref cnt
I'm assuming that they are the same error in that some place in coda,
the code didn't do a vget where it should have.
I believe I saw some mention of changes to the vnode system between
1.4 and now, but I wasn't watching closely enough (and I don't know
the coda module enough) to know how those changes should be delt
with in coda.
Any pointers or help would be appreciated.
Phil Nelson
e-mail: (Work: