Subject: Re: 1.5ALPHA_2 i386 panic in suspendsched()
To: Castor Fu <>
From: Jaromír Doleček <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/14/2000 10:03:59
Castor Fu wrote:
> I got a panic in suspendsched() (lost the dump and the panic strings)
> on NetBSD-i386 using the 1.5 branch as of about last sunday. I haven't
> been able to reproduce this yet.
> This code is all signficantly newer than what we run internally. Has
> anyone seen anything similar?
Yes, I've seen this once on reboot on i386, NetBSD 1.5E (-current) kernel.
IIRC it was classic trap()-type panic. It happened when
the final sync started, before any info about synced buffers was
printed. I'm not using MFS or any other "special" filesystem,
just FFS & NTFS.
Does the proclist walking in suspendsched() need to be guarded by
proclist_(un)lock_write() ?
Jaromir Dolecek <>
@@@@ Wanna a real operating system ? Go and get NetBSD, damn! @@@@