Subject: Re: Where/how is rootvp set in kernel initialisation?
To: Jason R Thorpe <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/21/2000 08:25:44
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Jason R Thorpe wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 09:52:58AM +1100, wrote:
>  > 1) By implementing all the VFS stuff, it means that I can also read
>  >    any type of filesystem (e.g. ext2fs, lfs)
> libsa can already support multiple file systems.  It already works with
> FFS and LFS.  An EXT2 for libsa should be trivial.

But can it write? :-)

>  > 2) If I ever get this stuff to work nicely on a 68k Mac, it can also
>  >    be used in the utilities that have to write to the filesystems
>  >    (the Installer) or newfs them (MkFs)
> The "Install from MacOS" tools should really die, actually.

I think we should keep it. I agree that we need NetBSD based tools, and
that they should be the default. But the "installer" is also a convenient
way to get files back and forth between MacOS and NetBSD. :-)

Take care,
