Subject: Variable limit in kernel syscalls
To: None <>
From: Espen Jorde <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/18/2000 20:43:50
I am adding gour systemcalls to a NetBSD kernel as part of my mastert
thesis. I am experiencing some strange problems.
One of the internal variable in the system-call sometimes changes as the
effect of a malloc call!
The variable is a standard local variable, not a struct and not a variable
allocateted on the heap.
I check it just before a MALLOC og just after. The value changes as result
of the call...???? The variable is not used in the MALLOC call.
I have ended up with quite a few local variables. Is there some sort of
limit on local variables in a function called by syscall???
Any help will be appreciated!
*********** Espen Jorde ****************************************************
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