Subject: Re: Mac68k and IDE
To: None <>
From: Takeshi Shibagaki <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/14/2001 10:41:01
>>>>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:53:32 -0400, Allen Briggs <> said:
Allen> There has been some more recent work done by someone else whose name is
Allen> somewhere in my mail archives.
I had worked for MI IDE driver(wdc) implemention. and my LC630 is
working now. and I also finished for bus_space_* .
Mr. Allen, I sent a patch, but there is no response. Please review.
If you don't never look it, I would like to send you.
Allen> Cool. You should also look at the bus_space code. There is (new in 1.5)
Allen> a way to specify that a given region should be byte-reversed. If you
Allen> send me some private mail with your code, we can probably take this
Allen> off-line.
Maybe, I guess some machines don't work if byte-order problem is
solved. Interrupt problem must be solved. In the case My LC630 works
when ether card exists in LC-PDS slot, but in the case no exist in
LC-PDS not works.
I guess initialize is no complete in via or nubus. But I cannot solve
this problem. So My PB150 works in polling mode because there is no
slot(LC-PDS or Nubus etc) on PB150.
Takeshi Shibagaki