Subject: Re: Generic Properties
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/29/2001 04:09:35
| writes:
| > | OK.  (BTW, Assuming you think this type of representation of a list of
| > | NUL-terminated strings is The Right Thing, why did you add an extra
| > | NUL to the end of the list of <whichever> names returned by sysctl?
| > | why not just terminate in the same way, i.e., by running out of
| > | buffer?)
| > 
| > That code only applies to the "name" field of the property.  The data
| > field should not be touched.  The reason for that code is primarily to
| > prevent kernel panics from badly formed structures passed in from userland.
| Eh?
| My point was, assuming you think that an array of strings is
| reasonably represented by those strings' (characters with NUL at end),
| why do you want to put an extra NUL at the end of the string returned
| by listprops()?  (from the description; i've not looked at the code.)
| You can still play the same game: look down the string until you hit
| NUL or max length.  If you got NUL you have a real string, if not you
| don't.
| If it's a good enough representation for an "array of strings" ... why
| not others?

That is to allow code to determine where the last of the last of the
strings is since it may not copy partial strings.
