Subject: Re: NetBSD/pdp10 ?
To: None <>
From: Jed Davis <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/07/2002 02:15:16
der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA> writes:

> > NetBSD/pdp10 anyone?
> I think it's an excellent idea, if only to dispose of all the careless
> code that assumes that (say) a 32-bit type exists (as opposed to an
> at-least-32-bit type).

Well, I'm still waiting for all the 64-bit-unclean (and
endian-unclean, while you're at it) code to magically disappear from
the face of the earth, so I imagine you'll have a while to wait...


#!/usr/bin/perl -- ## "But life wasn't yes-no, on-off.  Life was shades of gray,
sub f{(($n,$d,@_)=@_)?(substr(## and rainbows not in the order of the spectrum."
" ExhortJavelinBus",$n&&$d/$n,1),$n?f($d##   -- L. E. Modesitt, Jr., _Adiamante_
%$n,$n,@_):&f):("\n")}print f 1461,10324,55001,444162,1208,1341,5660480,79715997