Subject: Re: New snapshot of ATI Mach64 framebuffer driver
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/13/2002 21:44:14
| > Rasops probably needs fixing.  Right now it tries to determine what
| > endianness to use for stamps by checking `#if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN'
| > which is not true for PCI devices.
| I think there is a flag that can be passed to rasops initialization (Uwe
| used that on Krups, where he had the same problem).

The KRUPS config file doesn't have any drivers for the display.

| > The second issue is that the screen is cleared when wscons attaches.
| True. I couldn't try myself yet - is the screen useable now when booting
| via serial console?

No.  It seems to lock up hard when booting from the serial console:

mach0 at pci0 dev 19 function 0: ATI Technologies Rage XL (rev. 0x27)
mach0: 8 MB aperture at 0xe087a000, 4 KB registers at 0xe0879c00
mach0: 8188 KB SDRAM running at 114.765 MHz, maximum RAMDAC clock 230 MHz
1280 3376 3440 1664 1024 1026 1034 1066
mach0: initial resolution 1280x1024 at 8 bpp

then nothing.

| Eduardo: does your message mean it works now as console on sparc64?
| Or is it output only for now, only replacing the OF output part?
| (I'm probably confusing working wsdisplay with working wscons)

Console works fine with a USB keyboard.
