Subject: Re: FFS reliability problems
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Greywolf <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/08/2002 21:22:19
der Mouse wrote:
# "Don't do that, then". I'd say, just acknowledge that if you
# NFS-export filesystems that don't have something akin to di_gen fields,
# you are going to significantly weaken NFS's (already relatively weak)
# security (and maybe even break the protocol if the filesystem is R/W,
# though I'd have to think about it to be sure). There's no reason (say)
# FAT filesystems _have_ to be exportable.
True enough, BUT I think I'd be sorely upset if they weren't. I use a FAT
filesystem to share MP3s (because I don't have / can't afford enough space
on my Sun to support the music library; it's hosted on my x86 box so as to
provide access to the tunes when I (have to) reboot to winsux.
NetBSD, Net Profit.