Subject: Re: patch for wscons scrolling
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/14/2002 01:09:09
>> - NeXT (the non-ADB sort, old style (RETURN is rectangular, not
>>   backwards-L-shaped)): no such keys.
> Maybe my memory's going bad, but I'm pretty sure all 3 NeXT keyboards
> I own have page up/down buttons.

Quite possibly.  I don't know what you've got. :-)

>> - Apple keyboards: I find three different ones; one has them and the
>>   other two do not.  Two of them are ADB keybaords.
> Then you have a very strange set of Apple keyboards. :-)

One is _really_ old.  The connector to the host is a jack physically
compatible with a telephone handset cable.  It's marked with a model
number of M0110 and has no date visible anywhere.  It's got an
"alphabetic" section only: nothing left of the `~-TAB-CapsLock-Shift
column and nothing right of the Backspace-|\-Return-Shift column.

One is moderately old.  It's ADB, is marked as model M0116C, and
appears to be French Canadian (QWERTY alphabet, but with alternative
markings on the keycaps for ¨°, ιη, and `^ keys, and some character
rearrangement elsewhere to match).  Main keyboard section, numeric
keypad, and power key at the top, nothing more.

The third is an M3501, and has what peecees have made the usual
repertoire of keys: ESC misplaced in the far upper left, function keys
across the top in a row of their own, arrows and a 3x2 block of keys
between the typewriter portion and a numeric keypad portion...including
page up/down keys in the 3x2 block.

> Which is why I suggested escape sequences earlier today that could be
> bound using wsconsctl. :^>

> In any case, this is not a quibble that should stop development of
> the scrolling stuff, it's a detail that should be fixed later, don't
> you think?

Yes, provided the scrolling code is done right enough that it's easy to
change, later, how it's invoked.  I've seen people writing code for
x86en wire assumptions about the platform rather deeply into the code -
or rather, I've had the (dis)pleasure of seeing the resulting code.  As
long as such botches don't find their way into this, and there is some
way to configure what (if any) gestures control scrolling, it should be

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