Subject: Re: Adding to KNF.
To: Darren Reed <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/16/2002 15:18:06
> - statement about which locks are expected to be held and how.
> - statement about which interrupts are expected to be masked or not.
> - statement about what the function does, including what is considered

So, it's worth noting that 2/3 of these are things which can
conceivably be checked automatically.  One way to do this is with
run-time asserts of various forms.

Block comments saying "lock XXX must be held" are likely to rot over
time (i.e., get out of synch with reality).  Assertions, on the other
hand, will be tripped over if the code is used..

The splassert() primitive mentioned earlier is a very good idea; we
should adopt it.

				- Bill