Subject: changing uvmexp limits
To: None <>
From: Kamal Prasad <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/13/2002 17:00:55
in uvm/uvm_pdaemon,.c, function uvvmpd_tune(),
the last line (before UVMHIST_LOG), there is a line:-
uvmexp.wiredmax = uvmexp.npages/3;
if I change it to 
uvmexp.wiredmax = uvmexp.npages -(reserve_space eg:-

it allows me to meet the req of userland apps which
are more demanding in nature.

the sysctl variable rlimit.memorylocked is associated
with the pmap layer and is -in general not useful in
increasing the mlock()'able area.

does anyone foresee any side-effects on account of
this change?

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