Subject: Re: kernel panic
To: Kamal Prasad <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/15/2002 19:05:31
At 01:46 PM 7/15/2002, Kamal Prasad wrote:
>I have a program that does an mmap() of 800mb (out of
>1GB total physical memory) (using netbsd-curent). when
>I kill the app (that has done the mmap()), I get a
>the trace is given below:-
>0xe9b9ad00: at panic+1b0
>0xe9b9adb0: at pmap_pvo_to_pte+1c4
>0xe9b9ade0: at pmap_pvo_remove+5c
>0xe9b9ae00: at pmap_page_protect+a4
>0xe9b9ae30: at uvm_anfree+1f0
>0xe9b9ae50: at amap_wipeout+120
>0xe9b9ae80: at amap_unref+4c
>0xe9b9aea0: at uvm_map_unreference_amap+54
>0xe9b9aec0: at uvm_unmap_detach+78
>0xe9b9aef0: at uvmspace_free+a0
>0xe9b9af10: at uvm_exit+2c
>0xe9b9af30: at reaper+cc
>0xe9b9af50: at fork_trampoline+10
>if anyone knows the problem/fix to this, pl. let me
Since the pmap is my code, I'll try to figure out the problem
now that it is reproducible. BTW, how much swap does your system
Matt Thomas Internet:
3am Software Foundry WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message