Subject: Re: osiop and the 53c700
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Matt Fredette <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/16/2002 12:06:34
> Did you look at the generated code ? If I remember properly, registers
> offsets are not the same in the two chips, which means the generated
> code for the two scripts will be differents.


> > I think 700+710 have one set of offsets, and 720+770+8xx have another set
> > of offsets.
> Hum, looking at ncr53cxxxx.c it seems you're right. Only dmode is different
> between 700 and 710, and it may be a typo in the assembler code.
> The definition is correct for the 710; I'll have to look at my 700
> docs at home.

DMODE is different on the 700, so yes, the generated code for the two
scripts is potentially different.  What I was saying in my original 
email was that even though the two scripts may be different, they 
"line up" perfectly with each other.  For example, the dataout entry 
point is at 0x1b8 in both scripts.  This allowed for fewer changes to 
osiop.c, since all calls into the script are the same.


Matt Fredette