Subject: Re: allowing unpriv users to bind to priv ports
To: Joe Reed <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/25/2002 23:17:05
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hi joe,
On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 03:26:51PM -0400, Joe Reed wrote:
> i've been working on a utility to allow unprivilaged users to bind to
> privilaged ports on a per user/group basis. the rules are similiar to
> ipf rules and allow for daemons to be run as unprivilaged users, but
> still bind to the proper port (without losing any restriction for any
> other user), with a specific protocol. these rules only work for
> ports less than the reserved port. and superuser is always allowed to
> bind, regardless of rules.
> the ports that have rules are stored in a linked list, with their
> rules in a set of lists as well (allow and deny). i used the linked
> lists for simplicity and proof of concept. still lookup time is
> (worst case) O(p+a) for allow and O(p+d) for deny case. where p =3D
> number of ports that have rules, a,d=3D number of allow,deny rules
> respectively. so if there is no rule for that user/group on that
> port, the worst possible search time is O(p+d+a). which is not too
> horrible.
just a little note: what about /dev/ports/(tcp|tcp6|udp|udp6)/1-65535
nodes with appropriate owner/group or even permissions (e.g. x as an
"allow binding" flag)?
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <> ASCII Ribbon campaign against /"\=
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