Subject: Re: > 1T filesystems, disklabels, etc
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/15/2002 14:58:26
In message <Pine.NEB.4.33.0212151443340.29588-100000@vespasia.home-net.internet>, Bill Studenmund writes
>On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Jonathan Stone wrote:
>> Why not implement slices (as in FreeBSD), as a first step towards wegdes?
>Because that only helps i386/mbr based systems, and the idea was to help
>all NetBSD systems. Well, mbr-based disks.

``Quite.''  I think I'm with you: imposing a NetBSD-native format is a
losing proposition.

>But every time we've looked at slices, we've not liked what we've seen.
>It's ugly. Yes, we should learn from it, but I think we can learn from it
>w/o implementing it.

Uh, I didn't say copy the *implementation*. But at least for multi-OS
installs, or mounting filesystems from other OSes, what NetBSD
currently does is so much uglier, it looks broken-by-design.