Subject: Re: fsync performance hit on 1.6.1
To: NetBSD Kernel Technical Discussion List <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/08/2003 23:09:19
> The only part of the whole SysV IPC API that's really rather
> inelegant is the semaphores part
I have yet to see any part that _isn't_ inelgant.
A new namespace for each resource.
A new _flat_ namespace for each resource.
A new flat namespace _with human-meaningless names_ for each resource.
The worst of both the persistent and transient worlds: no cleanup on
process exit - but loss upon rebooting.
> it is unfortunate that you can't use poll() on message queues (sysV
> or posix).
Unfortunate? I would call it fatal.
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