Subject: Re: Binary only drivers in sys?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Greywolf <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/25/2003 12:42:16
Thus spake der Mouse ("dM> ") sometime Today...
dM> >>> [...binary-only driver...] By FCC regulations, [...]
dM> > They have restrictions, as I understand it, that you can't let out
dM> > drivers that can tune to inapropriate channels or set the power too
dM> > high. While they don't own the driver, they do control the (radio)
dM> > license the vendor needs to be able to sell the card. :-|
dM> the USA.
dM> Which we all know is all there is to the world. :-|
Hehheh. And the FCC has no claim to preventing import of a source-level
(hacked) driver, or even an adjusted binary, from outside the US.
dM> (Cue "copy protection" pro/con thread.)
Cueing sa_copy_protection(pro)panic: sa_queuethread: Thread lost
Kernel page fault trap type 0xe
Stopped in sa_queuethread(0xfc000400,0,0xa0) -> e
NetBSD: the cathedral versus the bizarre.