Subject: Re: popen reentrant (was Re: SA/pthread and vfork)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/14/2003 18:52:09
> vfork() problems only appear to have resurfaced wrt threading of
> late.  It doesn't add any functionality, per se,

But it did.  vfork() differed from fork() in two very important ways,
each of which could be useful: (1) the parent was automatically blocked
until the child execed or exited, and (2) memory writes done by the
child appeared in the parent.

The latter has, as far as I can tell, always been documented as a
"don't depend on this" property, but (as anyone with experience can
tell you would have happened) code was nevertheless written that
depended on it.

And with reason; it is awkward and rather ugly to set up _another_ pipe
between parent and child just to pass information back, with all the
failure modes that brings (most of which are can't-happens, but even if
you ignore them entirely, the code is significantly more complicated -
I know this because I've coded each way.)

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