Subject: Re: vfork vs. fork (was Re: popen reentrant (was Re: SA/pthread and vfork))
To: Greywolf <>
From: Matthias Buelow <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/15/2003 00:11:05
Greywolf writes:

>50 percent?  That's half -- a big win in anyone's book.  That means that
>my build of the toolchain is only taking 13 minutes instead of 26.

As long as you don't actually compile anything, that is.

>Even if it drops to 20% in the worst case, that's still significant.
>That means that my build of the toolchain is taking 13 minutes instead
>of 16:15.

As long as you don't actually compile anything, that is.

>I have no comment appropriate for this discussion regarding any sort
>of bias on other operating systems.  They're out there, they're not going
>away any time soon, and some of them appear to have some good ideas.

Me neither... but that's just me.

  Matthias Buelow;  mkb@{,}