Subject: Re: On /dev/console, /dev/constty and the TIOCCONS ioctl
To: David Laight <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/03/2003 17:46:46
On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, David Laight wrote:
: I've committed changes today that add a /dev/constty device, and changed
: /etc/ttys so that getty (and hence any console login session) use it
: instead of /etc/console.
Um, why don't you just set your gettytab to put terminals on the physical
device(s) (such as /dev/tty00 for serial, /dev/ttyE0 for wscons)? This
would give you the ability to do TIOCCONS as you desire, without adding yet
another kernel layer.
This is how some ports used to be configured by default: physical device
has a getty, but /dev/console is more-or-less write-only by console-logging
-- Todd Vierling <> <>