Subject: Western Digital 250G hard drive
To: None <>
From: Ian McIntosh <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/02/2003 17:34:36
I have just purchased a Western Digital 250G hard disk and am using it on a
netBSD 1.5.1
system. Everything seems to be going fine, but I am worried about the drive
The drive seems to run at quite a high temperature, even when it is not
doing any strenuous
tasks. I have no temperature measure to give, but it feels (by touch) far
hotter than the 40G Western
Digital I previously had (even when the 40G was being pushed). Has anyone
got any
comments on this? Anyone noticed anything similar to this? I would very much
any comments and suggestions. As an aside, if I run the drive on a windows
system the
drive temperature seems to be quite a bit cooler. Now I do realise that this
is not
a great comparison as there are many factors that could contribute to the
but feel the information may be useful so I added it.