Subject: Re: Zillion Digital Square driver
To: iMil <>
From: Lennart Augustsson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/31/2003 11:47:57
Are you sure the device supports doing it twice?
There are many half broken USB devices out there.
-- Lennart
iMil wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi list,
> I'm writing a NetBSD userland driver for the Zillion Digital Square
> MP3 player. Things are going pretty well though neither Digital Square nor
> Samsung (which does the chip) gave me any infos on the thing's API.
> Now I'm facing a strange problem with the ugen driver.
> When I first plug in the player, I do the following so I can have some
> infos on teh firmware :
> - -> usb control msg
> - -> usb bulk write with firmware info request
> - -> control
> - -> control
> - -> bulk read
> - -> control
> this works, got teh good reply from the player.
> Now, without unplugging the player, if I re-lauch the code, it hangs on
> the read() call (in the bulk_read function).
> If I un/replug it and re-lauch the code, it works again.
> This piece of code is mine, but I tried libusb form the pkgsrc before
> that, and it behaves strictly the same way. I read some similar problems
> about the libusb but it was supposed to be fixed
> (, libusb code
> do contain these modifications for all BSD flavors. Anyway, I tried this
> fix by hand on my piece of code, and does nothing more.
> Any idea on this read() locking problem ?
> - -------------------------
> iMil <> _
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