Subject: Re: implementing closeall via a syscall
To: George Peter Staplin <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/06/2004 15:37:10
Thus spake George Peter Staplin ("GPS> ") sometime Today...

GPS> > I would prefer to see a closem() or closefrom() or whatever apply to
GPS> > a range of fds as user-defined, i.e. closem(from,to), which closes all
GPS> > descriptors from "from" to "to", inclusive, as a program might wish to
GPS> > relocate fds 0, 1, 2 to some other place.  closem(from, -1) or
GPS> > closem(-1,to) is what I envisioned.  Unadjustably single-ended ranges
GPS> > are a major pain, from a programming point of view.
GPS> To me those names are not ideal.  What do you think about closerange() or
GPS> close_range()?

Sure, pick a name.

You realise, of course, that I was shooting for reference-by-value and
not necessarily reference-by-name...

NetBSD: Unix With Balls.