Subject: Re: Manual pages for usb
To: None <>
From: Ian Zagorskih <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/06/2004 18:33:03
On Thursday 05 February 2004 21:48, Ian Zagorskih wrote:
> Not sure if I should post this message to tech-kern or tech-docs.. Well,
> let it be tech-kern :)
> From "man usb" at
> ---cut---
>      All USB events are reported via the /dev/usb device.  This devices can
> be opened for reading and each read(2) will yield an event record (if some-
> thing has happened).  The poll(2) system call can be used to determine if
> an event record is available for reading.
> ---cut---
> When i read this i got confused that i can open for events not only
> /dev/usb device but also /dev/usb0, usb1 and so on i.e. all /dev/usbX.
> Though as practice shows (at least on NetBSD-1.6.1/i386) only /dev/usb
> device actually returns event on read() call and all another /dev/usbX
> devices just immediatly return ENXIO "Device not configured".
> Maybe, it would be better to re-phrase a bit this paragraph like
> "s/devices/device" in "This devices can be" ?
> // wbr

Just addition: "man usb(4)" and actuall dev/usb/usb.h headers differs in 
describing usb_device_info structure:

---man usb(4) and
struct usb_device_info {
        u_int8_t        bus;
        u_int8_t        addr;
        usb_event_cookie_t cookie;
        char            product[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
        char            vendor[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
        char            release[8];
        u_int16_t       productNo;
        u_int16_t       vendorNo;
        u_int16_t       releaseNo;
        u_int8_t        class;
        u_int8_t        subclass;
        u_int8_t        protocol;
        u_int8_t        config;
        u_int8_t        lowspeed;
        int             power;
        int             nports;
        char            devnames[USB_MAX_DEVNAMES][USB_MAX_DEVNAMELEN];
        u_int8_t        ports[16];
#define USB_PORT_ENABLED 0xff
#define USB_PORT_POWERED 0xfd
#define USB_PORT_DISABLED 0xfc
---man usb---

struct usb_device_info {
        u_int8_t        udi_bus;
        u_int8_t        udi_addr;       /* device address */
        usb_event_cookie_t udi_cookie;
        char            udi_product[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
        char            udi_vendor[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
        char            udi_release[8];
        u_int16_t       udi_productNo;
        u_int16_t       udi_vendorNo;
        u_int16_t       udi_releaseNo;
        u_int8_t        udi_class;
        u_int8_t        udi_subclass;
        u_int8_t        udi_protocol;
        u_int8_t        udi_config;
        u_int8_t        udi_speed;
#define USB_SPEED_LOW  1
#define USB_SPEED_FULL 2
#define USB_SPEED_HIGH 3
        int             udi_power;      /* power consumption in mA, 0 if 
selfpowered */
        int             udi_nports;
        char            udi_devnames[USB_MAX_DEVNAMES][USB_MAX_DEVNAMELEN];
        u_int8_t        udi_ports[16];/* hub only: addresses of devices on 
ports */
#define USB_PORT_ENABLED 0xff
#define USB_PORT_POWERED 0xfd
#define USB_PORT_DISABLED 0xfc

// wbr