Subject: Re: pwd returning duplicate directory in path
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/13/2004 10:48:06
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On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 01:40:54PM +0100, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> This is the only directory that seems affected. Other users's .ssh direct=
> behaves the expected way, as well as other 2-level paths.
> This worked properly up to yesterday evening (I noticed because ssh's
> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys is now rejected by the server, which also means
> the problem isn't in /bin/pwd but somewhere else) and as far as
> I know nothing changed on this server.
Do you have an off-local-disk copy of your mtree database?
(Even if you don't, yet, make a backup now on removable media after
copying it to a system that you know you can trust--probably by
installing fresh on it right now--and then run mtree.)
This smells like an exploit to me, but I'm paranoid.
gabriel rosenkoetter
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