Subject: Re: newfs -> fsck -> FREE BLK COUNT(S) WRONG IN SUPERBLK
To: Darrin B. Jewell <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/11/2004 18:18:13
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On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 05:09:15PM -0500, Darrin B. Jewell wrote:
> > Ok, tried to understand this a little bit more and found this problem r=
> > on the 64k/8k block/frag size:
> >=20
> > 1) newfs creates a filesystem with a super block at 8k (bno 16) and
> >=20
> > fs_sblkno =3D=3D 8 and fs_sblockloc =3D=3D 8192
> >=20
> > The value of fs_sblkno is WRONG.
> I'm not convinced this is where the problem is. Historically, the
> SBOFF was always 8192 but the value of fs_sblkno is the location of
> the alternate superblocks with respect to the start of each
> cylinder group.
Possibly related:
I have been, since about the time the ffs compatibility changes went
in, sometimes getting messsages on boot like the following:
/: correcting fs_sblockloc from 0 to 8192
This seems to happen essentially randomly - certainly not every boot.
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