Subject: Re: snprintf returns? [was Re: CVS commit: src/sys]
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/24/2004 23:52:07
> (And as a random off-topic comment the phrase "the size'th character"
> makes me snicker.. Only software people would write something like
> that :-))

Yeah.  Everybody else would know enough to leave out the spurious

(Flip punctuation quibbles aside, lojbanists and hackers might well not
only write but actually say it; it's both lojbanic and hackishish[%] to
inflect meta-numbers as if they were numbers.)

[%] How would _you_ spell the adjectival form corresponding to the
    dialect, "hackish", spoken by hackers? :-)

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