Subject: Re: NetBSD 2.0 kernel panics
To: None <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/15/2004 11:46:18
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On Dec 15, 2004, at 3:15 AM, J.T. Conklin wrote:
> The system uses a Tyan 2466N-4M Motherboard, 2 2800+ CPU's, an intel
> dual gig ethernet card, and a Mylex 352 RAID. The kernel config is
> GENERIC.MP + DIAGNOSTIC + GATEWAY. I've appended the dmesg at the
> end of this message.
Sigh. I think taking DIAGNOSTIC out of GENERIC was a mistake. Seems
like maybe a good thing to do before tagging the release candidates (so
that benchmarks of "released version GENERIC" are better), but leaving
it on on the trunk and during alpha/beta.
We might have caught these problems earlier if DIAGNOSTIC had been
turned on.
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>
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