Subject: Re: problem with loading netbsd using redboot
To: None <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/27/2004 07:50:00
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On Dec 26, 2004, at 8:53 PM, Kamal R. Prasad wrote:

> (1) the load addr in Makefile.i386 is 0xc0100000 which
> is the ROM area. I changed this to 0x0100000 -and now
> the kernel loads fine.

0xc0100000 is the kernel virtual address of the load address, which the 
NetBSD boot loader compensates for.  I suggest that, instead of 
changing the kernel link address, you adjust the command you issue to 
RedBoot to load the S-record image (you can also load a flat binary 
image with RedBoot, which might be a lot faster).

> (2) I typed this command
> -------------------------------
> RedBoot> load -v -m tftp -h netbsd.srec
> Entry point: 0x00100000, address range:
> 0x00100000-0x00621ea4
> RedBoot> go 0x0100000
> -----------------------
> I do not get any response after that. Im wondering if
> any other initialization needs to be done (like
> setting up the gdt etc..).

That's because you linked the kernel at the wrong address in an effort 
to get RedBoot to load it.  Follow my suggestion above, and you should 
be fine.

         -- Jason R. Thorpe <>

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